We Deliver Wherever You Live
With our extensive courier network that covers many areas of Melbourne, it may be time to consider Gunn & McConville as your first choice to help you manage your medicines.
Your regular medication will be accurately packed in a secure and hygenic sachet or blister pack called a Dose Administration Aid (DAA). Your DAA will be delivered* to your door on a fortnightly basis.
The medicines are packed according to a list provided from your doctor. A meeting with a pharmacist from Gunn & McConville either in your home or at the pharmacy is required prior to filling the DAA so we can ensure medicines are placed in the DAA at your preferred times of the day and in accordance with your GP's list.
This discussion can also take place during a Home Medicines Review or Medschek which are often initiated by and always involve your GP.
Respite stays and returning home following a stay in hospital
Gunn & McConville specialises in providing DAA’s to members of the community spending a short period of time in a care facility such as respite care. In these situations, a pharmacist from Gunn & McConville will liaise with the care team at the respite facility prior to admission to ensure the DAA meets the facilities medication management criteria.
Prior to leaving hospital, the hospital or ward pharmacist may recommend a person continue or begin to have their medicine packed in a DAA upon returning home. Pharmacists at Gunn & McConville liaise with hospitals every day and we would be pleased to continue the good work done at the hospital by providing a fortnightly Dose Administration Aid.
* delivery and packing charges may apply